Crime and Law Enforcement
3.229 Ft 2.583 Ft
Student's book
Crime and Law Enforcement is an ESP language course for Hungarian law enforcement professionals from a range of different backgrounds who want to improve their English communication skills.
Starting with a general introduction to the basics of law enforcement, the textbook covers 10 topics including property, white-collar, organised and cybercrime, CSI, smuggling, human trafficking, drugs, terrorism and international law enforcement co-operation.
Each of the 11 units includes an introductory section and diverse exercises to develop the students’ reading and listening comprehension, speaking and writing skills, followed by a glossary of about 30 to 50 law enforcement terms to improve their vocabulary. Featuring rich illustrations, the book offers easy-to-access videos for most listening comprehension tasks.
The Student’s Book of Crime and Law Enforce ment has been developed for students study ing at a (CEFR) B2 (upper-intermediate) level of English or higher. It is also a workbook, designed primarily for class use with a teacher.
The book is available free of charge in electronic format on “Közszolgálati Tudásportál”.