The Post-Liberal Turn and the Future of Conservatism
4.148 Ft 3.733 Ft
Our culture is going through an epochal shift. The end of liberalism as the dominant philosophy is over. Liberalism has been the hegemonic political philosophy for many years, becoming especially prominent during and after the 1960s in the Western world. However, the British public, particularly Conservative voters, are predominantly post-liberal conservatives.
This book aims to build on a conference co-organised by the Danube Institute and the Eötvös József Research Centre of the University of Public Service. The conference provided a platform for various assessments of the current state of affairs. Its unique flavour was enhanced by being held in Budapest, a city that has garnered significant international conservative attention.
The purpose of the book to provide scholarly, rigorous, yet practical contributions to the ongoing debate within Britain and conservatism about the future of British conservatism, the Conservative Party, and the potential of the conservative movement within it.
The book is available free of charge in electronic format on “Közszolgálati Tudásportál”.
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