Budapest Past and Future

The 150th anniversary of Budapest presents a prime opportunity to reflect on and identify the most critical issues and topics for research concerning our capital. The authors of this volume have embraced this task by delving into the history of Budapest, tracing its development, and exploring the city’s future prospects.
Given the spatial distribution of society and the economy, it is essential to examine Budapest’s place and role within the regional urban system. As is well-known, the merger of Pest, Buda, and Óbuda in 1873 set the stage for Budapest to emerge as a rival centre to Vienna within the Austro–Hungarian Monarchy, and establish itself as the heart of the Carpathian Basin. At that time, Budapest was a key pillar of social and technological modernisation, with its burgeoning industry propelling it to the status of a world city.
Despite enduring the great upheavals of history, Budapest, along with other cities in Eastern and Central Europe, has become a driving force in an era of increasing globalisation. These cities now have the opportunity to solidify their positions in the international urban hierarchy. However, the question remains whether this will elevate Budapest, or any of its competitors, to a leading role as a metropolitan centre. Our book seeks to answer this question, among others.

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Item number:
Dóra Molnár, Zoltán Kovács, Pál Beluszky, Zoltán Dövényi, Tamás Egedy, Mariann Fonyódi, László Jeney, Kornélia Kiss, Gábor Michalkó, Viktor Pál, Tamás Sikos T., Gáborné Székely, Dóra Szendi, Tibor Tiner, Annamária Uzzoli
Dóra Molnár, Tamás Sikos T.
Year of publication:
Ludovika University Press
Place of publication: